Sunday, 26 October 2008

Qestionnaire for Local Primary School Research

This questionnaire was originally done by Hazel, so many thanks to her. But I edited the questions slightly with Hazel's permission and now I would like to share with everyone who is doing the same research project.

Local Primary School Research

My name is Mon-yun, Bourne. I am currently attending Warwick University and studying a Degree in Early Childhood Studies, one of my assignments involves research of a local Primary School. If you could answer these questions, it would be much appreciated. Thank you for your time.

1) What subjects are taught in your school?

2) For these subjects (for this term), what types of things will the children in your class be focusing on?

3) For the week 22nd -26th of October, what was taught? (If possible could you provide a lesson plan for this week?)

4) Please indicate how many - Teachers
Lunchtime Assistants
Are at the Primary School where you work.

5) What Religious Education does the school provide?

6) With each year, does the curriculum and subjects vary?

7) How is inclusion handled? May I have one or two cases for examples, please? Does school received any support from parents, outside agencies and LEAs?

8) What steps would be taken in ensuring all children reach their own full potential?

9) Would any outside agencies be involved? Ref question 8.

10) Does the school offer a breakfast and after school facility?

11) What extra curricular activities does your school provide? I.e. netball clubs, chess clubs etc.

Is there a charge for these services?

If there is, would any help be given for pupils whose families who are financially restricted?

12) For pupils’ whose family is restricted due to financial reasons, what would the school offer in order to help the child feel included? I.e. school trips.

Thank you for your time in completing this questionnaire
Please use the separate sheets for answers if you prefer.

1 comment:

lynsey said...

Thanx Crystal,

This questionnaire has helped me no end.

Now back to write it up with my blocked up nose.
