Tuesday 14 October 2008

Under pressure

New structures and spaces of learning: The systemic impact of connective knowledge, connectivism, and networked learning.
This is our mind mapping of the article

I've been really stressed for the last two weeks and when we were told how much work that we will need to do and prepare, how much reading we will need to do in such short time. This academic year, our tutors changed the way that they had taught us last year. To give us a such short time to do lots of reading and to have our comments on it, it's very difficult for me. I do need to read the articles over and over again enable to understand what's mean.

I am always give myself a high standard and not allowing myself to skip the lesson and the homework but I do found it really hard for me at the moment.

Me and Georgina had worked really hard for the last two days just tried to mind map the article that we've been given last week. With John's help (my dear and lazy husband), we finally finished the work today. I want to read this article again when I got the time then I will able to give my comment on it. I found it interesting and wondering that how will the future education become. Will every learner become a connectivism? What child's age will be allow to go on the soical networking? I believe I will have more to find out.

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